I was afraid of losing my friends, losing the little that was left of my childhood, becoming an adult without really knowing what I wanted to do with my life. I was applying to colleges, taking SATs, and dreading graduation date. When this song came out, I was in my senior year of high school. Therefore, I never associated the song with death and grief. I'm in my 40s now and I still haven't experienced the loss of a loved one. I was a teenager when the song hit the radio stations in LA. However, I didn't truly understand that when the song first came out. Josh A from Los AngelesIt's sort of amazing that this song is about grief and loss, which totally makes sense when you pay attention to the lyrics.I often hear it before working ( it rises my energy to incredible heights) I'm a better human after that. It is written by the spirit of a person so it hits my spirit every time I hear it. Patricia From Argentina from Bahia Blanca, Buenos AiresThis song is sooo sad.Listen to it, it really paints a picture in my mind. It reminds me of his ache that just continues stretch on. The Rog from The BeachThere's a part toward the end of the song where they let the distorted guitar really sustain out for a few measures, and I love that part.Karl Tubbs from Silvis, Illinois My late wife loved Duran Duran, but I didnt pay much attention to the lyrics.I’m not the type to be looking for spiritual coincidences, but seriously! I couldn’t have picked a better song if I were directing the scene as part of a movie. Hearing these lyrics in this moment brings on a whole new meaning. This song was so pivotal to me as a teenager and it’s pretty rare to be on a radio these days. Carly from Sf Bay AreaJust got my second dose of the Covid vaccine and then I instantly heard Ordinary World playing in the background at the CVS as I made my way to the waiting area.I was singing it out loud when I passed a gentleman singing it out loud as well, we both laughed, saying it really showed our age! Jimmi from OrI heard this song for the first time in years the other day walking through the market.

This beautiful song touches a chord to everyone's heart.

So, later on I found out that the song was written & dedicated to Simon Le Bon's late childhood friend David Miles. Since I was still a kid at that time and didn't have much heavy adult feelings or situations. I admit that I found the song beautiful before even understanding the lyrics. I remember listening to Ordinary World in the radio stations as crazy. Even now I still listen to Ordinary World. I loved it since I first heard it in 1992.